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Go Green! Make your own fertilizer! |
It's really a simple process, worms are natures little helper in that they eat raw materials and and process it in their gizzards. The result is one of the best fertilizers on Gods planet. Want a healthy lawn, field, or garden? Then lets make a compost bin for worm castings.
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Drilling the Holes! |
For the bedding, first put down a 2 inch layer of Spagham Peat moss. We only do this on the first container, for future containers we add a little of the first container. The we use a mix of shredded newspaper, (I run it through my office shredder), small pieces of cardboard, and a couple hand fulls of leaves. Fill to about 4 inches thick. Sprinkle with water. Should be moist, not wet. Also add a handfull or 2 of dirt. This helps the worms digest their food.
You're now ready for the worms. The good thing is, the worms don't have to cost anything, if you don't want them to. Dig some up, look under fallen limbs and tree trunks. They also sell red worms at Walmart. Check the fishing dept. Worms mutiply fast, so unless you are in a hurry, you don't have to have many to start.
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The Finished Bin Setup! |
Go ahead and place the first bin inside the second bin. As your compost drains off any excess water the second bin claims it. This is called compost tea, and is a great fertilizer. I use it in the vegatble garden and to feed any plants that need it. When the top bin is full, just make another bin. Install new bedding in it and and bury some scraps the same way we did it the first time. Place it directly on the top, of the top one now. Within 2 weeks to a month or so, most of the worms will have crawled thru the holes and moved up to the new bin. Take the middle bin and remove any worms left that did'nt make the trip to the new bin, and add them to the new bin yourself. You may want to get rid of some worms at this time, the garden, the lawn, around the shrubs, or you can use them to start another new worm bin. Use this compost any where you need it, to amend the soil, and provide fertilzer.
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The Final Product! |
Well, thats about it folks. Remember for maxium effiency, 1 lb of worms per 1 square foot of surface area in the bin. One lb of worms is able to compost 1/2 lb of food per day. Good luck and Good Vermiculture.
What worms eat:
These in: These not in:
Fruit & Vegatable scraps Meat & Dairy
Coffee Grounds & tea bags Citrus Rinds (a few is ok)
Egg Shells Oils and greases
Nut shells & hulls Animal by products or pet dropping
Bread & crackers Onions (a few is ok)
Good Luck and Good Composting!
Great idea! I need this for the fishing worms.