I'm serious, lets take a quick look. Just between me and you. The statistics say this. 33.9% of you are Obese, 34.4% of you are overweight but not obese. I'm not gonna go into the teenagers and the kids but have you been in public lately? To say we are overweight, is vastly understating the problem. If you are overweight you are unhealthy, period.
Lets talk the big "C" Cancer. Something you readers may not know, is my mother died of it. My neighbor died of it. I'll wager all of you know some one who died of it - cancer. Lots of people think it is totally about the genes, or it just happens, most everyone knows the effects on the body of tobacco. But theres other factors, lifestyle factors, that I'll address today. Those are unhealthy eating, alcohol, and obesity. Lets look at what are to worst risks are.
Men Women
Smoking 23% 16%
Not enough Fruits and Veggies 6% 3.4%
Occupational Hazards (Chemicals) 4.9%
Being Over weight 4.1% 6.9%
Alcohol 4.6%
Infections 3.7%
Exposure to sunlight/ tanning beds 3.6%
Overall researchers discovered that up to 45% percent of all the cancers found in males could be prevented, and up to 40% in females. You can judge for yourself, according to the chart above what areas to work on if any. Science is learning more about the human body daily, and may one one day give us some real relief from this threat. But the things in the above list we can take care of ourselves. As gardeners we can take pride in the fact we are at least on the positive side of the eating issue.
Here's a reminder of some things to do, when growing or buying your food make sure everything is as natural as can be. Watch the Red meat, and processed meat, Bake instead of fry, don't forget the fish (Omega3's), No tobacco use at all, get enough fiber, cut back on the salt, Lose the weight, Watch the infections (HPV), never tan and don't get too much natural sun, be careful of any occupational exposure to chemicals or asbestos. Thanks, and have a fun day!
Start eating correctly by growing your own vegetables! Learn how here!
http://7c398konw6rrdy1mt1bgk-zl78.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=ORGANIC GARDEN
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I got a great recipe for cabbage, "Kielbasa and Cabbage", check it out at My Momma's Recipes!
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