Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turnip greens are in! Yum, Yum, Yum!

          Yum Yum, Yum! I've been eye balling my Turnip Greens for a week or two now, and decided to finally pick a mess. Yes, I'm behind everyone else I know. Their my last of this years garden. It's finally been cool enough so they should be nice and sweet. Have that good Turnippy aroma!
          I'm gonna chunk up the turnips and cook them in a little bacon grease left over from breakfast. When they get about half way done, I toss in a sprinkling of some cornmeal with'em and then add that to the pan of greens already boiling cooking and finish cooking them. I don't add the vinegar on the plate but I add it to the pan near the end of the cooking. You can put some fat back or Hamhocks in for some protein and it's considered fine dining where I come from.  Better the second time, than the first. Now if you add some white beans, and onions and a thick buttered slice of corn bread with some sweet tea.  (What ever happened to butter milk)  Well, as I said Yum, Yum, Yum. We'll have'm for Thanksgiving too! If you've got a good family recipe for Greens send it to me and I'll post it for the enjoyment of all.

                                                                                  Have a great day!

Heres some recipies, I think I'll try the one with the Tomatoes,I'll Let you know how it turns out:

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